Quack! Quack!
Rain could not stop the 2011 Chesapeake Duck Race and those who are dedicated to the cause. CHIP, which stands for Children's Health Investment Program, is a non-profit agency that provides services to families with young children to insure they have a happy and healthy start in life.
From left: Vendetta Reynolds, Dev Golt and Linda Palmer
From left: Stephanie Rappo, Ginny Barlow, Katya Villar. Bottom: Jossie Noguera
Brandon Hill with his daughter Lillian
Rick Stevens and Ashlynn Davis
Kay Carey of CHIP Development Office
President/CEO of CHIP, Trish O'Brien
Rachel and her sister Miss Pre-Teen Tidewater Emily Anderson
Alexandria and Anita Ducksworth
Conner and Taylor High with Dana Burrows
Lenny Tucket of the Marine Corps league opened the doors for The CHIP event so that all could stay dry.....sort of!
Undersheriff Jim O'Sullivan with his family and Mayor Alan Krasnoff
Councilman Cliff Hayes looked just ducky!